Saturday, May 4, 2024


 SO THE THINK IS THAT  CRUSH WILL CRUSH YOU 😂😂. I'm not joking it's true. 

Well all I know is that I love everybody whether it's boy whether it's girl whether it's plant whether it's dog. I didn't want it to sound like rhymes but it end up like that 😅😅

Some people asked me once am I bi to them or to all, I love everybody irrespect of their gender cast race skin colour. I believe that we all are human and we need to love, support each other. Yeah I do support LGBT community. Why do I need to shame about it. IT'S okay if I like some girl or boy it's totally my choice. Who are u to judge me?? U never asked me whether I'm good or bad happy or sad then why are u judging me when I'm choosing my partner 🤔 . To me ------

Supporting the LGBT community is about affirming the inherent value and dignity of every individual, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression. It involves advocating for equality, acceptance, and inclusion in all aspects of society, from legal rights and protections to social acceptance and cultural representation. Supporting the LGBT community means standing against discrimination, prejudice, and violence based on someone's sexual orientation or gender identity. It's about creating a world where everyone can live authentically and openly, free from fear of judgment or persecution. Embracing diversity and celebrating the uniqueness of each person enriches our communities and fosters a more compassionate and understanding society for all.

It's all about love ❤ if she can provide me love if she can create a safe space for me being there forver in bad and good highs and lows then Loving another girl is a beautiful and natural expression of human connection and affection. It's about embracing love in its purest form, regardless of gender. Every person deserves the freedom to love and be loved authentically, without fear or shame. Whether it's holding hands, sharing laughter, or building a life together, love knows no bounds. Supporting love between girls means affirming their right to happiness and fulfillment, just like any other couple. It's about celebrating the unique bond and connection they share, and standing against discrimination or prejudice that may seek to invalidate their love. Love is love, and when two girls find it in each other, it's something to cherish and celebrate.


Loving another girl is a deeply personal and profound experience that transcends societal norms and expectations. It's about forming a deep emotional connection, understanding, and mutual respect. When two girls fall in love, they create a sanctuary of warmth and acceptance, where they can be their true selves without inhibition or judgment. Their love is a testament to the power of authenticity and vulnerability, as they navigate life's joys and challenges hand in hand.

Supporting love between girls means championing their right to love openly and freely, without fear of discrimination or persecution. It involves creating a world where all forms of love are celebrated and respected, regardless of gender. It's about challenging outdated stereotypes and prejudices that seek to limit the expression of love based on arbitrary societal norms.

In a world often marked by division and strife, love between girls serves as a beacon of hope and resilience. It defies societal expectations and stands as a testament to the boundless capacity of the human heart. When two girls love each other, they not only enrich their own lives but also contribute to the collective tapestry of love and compassion that binds us all together.

In a society that may not always fully embrace or understand their love, girls who love each other need support, understanding, and validation. They need allies who will stand by their side and advocate for their rights and dignity. They need safe spaces where they can express their love openly without fear of discrimination or harm. They need access to resources and support networks that can provide guidance and assistance in navigating the challenges they may face.

Moreover, girls who love each other need to see positive representation of their relationships in media, literature, and society at large. They need to know that their love is valid and worthy of celebration, just like any other form of love. They need acceptance from their families, friends, and communities, allowing them to live authentically and openly without the burden of secrecy or shame.

Ultimately, what girls who love each other need most is the freedom to love and be loved on their own terms, without limitations or barriers imposed by others. They deserve the opportunity to build fulfilling and meaningful relationships based on mutual respect, trust, and affection, just like anyone else.

Knowing that someone is "the one" is a deeply personal and intuitive feeling that can't always be easily defined. However, there are some signs that may indicate a strong connection and potential for a lasting relationship:

1. **Compatibility**: You share similar values, interests, and goals in life, making it easy to connect and understand each other.

2. **Communication**: You can communicate openly and honestly with each other, discussing your thoughts, feelings, and concerns without fear of judgment.

3. **Mutual Respect**: You both respect each other's boundaries, opinions, and individuality, allowing each other to grow and flourish as individuals within the relationship.

4. **Supportive**: You feel supported and uplifted by each other, even during difficult times, knowing that you can rely on each other for encouragement and strength.

5. **Chemistry**: There's a strong emotional and physical attraction between you, creating a sense of excitement and passion in the relationship.

6. **Comfort**: You feel comfortable and at ease with each other, able to be your true selves without pretense or inhibition.

7. **Shared Vision**: You both envision a future together and are willing to work together to build a life that aligns with your shared values and aspirations.

Ultimately, knowing that someone is "the one" is about trusting your instincts and feelings, while also being mindful of the dynamics and compatibility within the relationship. It's a journey of discovery and growth, where both partners continuously invest in each other's happiness and well-being.

That's all for today though let's meet up soon 😊😊


  1. Well here I am not talking about if I wanna be in relation with girl rather I'm saying I love everybody. As I have mentioned in prev blog that love and relation are two different things to me. So plzz don't get it wrong even if you i don't really care 😉

  2. Great 💓💓💞


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