Thursday, April 25, 2024


The way I loved You 

Soo I know there are lots of problems between us whether it's caste whether it's distance whether it's mentality because we think differently.

 Why do u wanna judge yourself or your worth by listening what others telling to u ?? Either proof them wrong or just Don’t take it to your brain and heart You are unique. Everyone is having flaws rather to think it as scar make it beautiful embrace yourself show who you are what you can do not to others but to self .

There are lots of people who do cares for you, rather thinking of them if u choose thinking about people who hurt or left u in misery then u will get pain disappointment suffering. Every person has a past so what accept it and walk to the future which is always a mystery but be in present put all your efforts in present. Be happy with what u have now if u keep wishing about things which are not yours then it will create unstability. 

Life is beautiful only when u will able to live in present oh come no need to think about future but one should have a structure about means I want this I want that only once just think about it work now and get them and most important is to be happy. Happy with yourself happy with people u have happy with work u do There is always a place for betterment, we are like sculptor we got hands we got legs we got brain we got heart with this we can make life easier and happier we can change ourself to be better or to be better for our close ones. 

 I want you to be yourself to know your worth Describe yourself in your own terms why to take other people's opinion It's not like I don't accept you I dooo. But sometimes something crazy come up to my mind and I start saying those things to u. That time I just want support from u assurance love from u. That's it I do love you alot More than one can ever imagine Cause I do. 

 No matter what happens in life I will always be there for you and with you Forever No matter how much things hurts I will always be there with your side I will protect you I will care you I will there for u in your darkness IN every moment .

Seriously I know you are working there are lots of things you are going through you too I understand And keep that in mind I will wait for you forever You take your time build your career support yourself support your parents but in the end plzz come to me plzz don't forget that I'm always here for u I know that you will do the best to provide best and I will do the same thing to provide us the best He means the world to me, more than words can express.

 From the moment I met him, I knew there was something special about him, something that drew me in and made me feel whole. He's not just a partner to me; he's my confidant, my rock, my everything. I love him to the moon and back, and I will always be there for him, no matter what. In a world where people come and go, he's the one constant in my life, the one person I can always rely on. I want him to know that he can always count on me, that I will always be there to hold him tight and protect him from whatever life throws our way. I want him to know that he can take refuge in me, that I will always be his safe haven in a stormy sea. And I want him to know that I will always protect, love, care for, and respect him with all my heart. Sure, I'll annoy him at times, we all do, but I also want him to know that I'll always be there to support him, especially during his tough days. 

And I understand that there will be times when I'll need his extra love and patience, when my mood swings might be more pronounced. But through it all, I want him to know that my love for him will never waver. Marriage isn't the be-all and end-all for me. What matters most is that we're together, under the same roof, making our dreams come true. Whether we're officially married or not doesn't change how I feel about him. I just want to spend the rest of my life with him, building a future together, creating memories, and facing whatever challenges come our way, hand in hand. He's not just my partner; he's my best friend, my soulmate, the one person who truly understands me. And I will cherish him for as long as I live, loving him with every fiber of my being, till the end of time. And when I say "he" here, I mean you. You're the one I'm talking about, the one who means everything to me.

 Hey, I hope you know that it's perfectly okay if we don't talk for a few days. I truly believe that we'll reconnect soon, and that assurance brings me a sense of peace. But there are moments, unexpected and sudden, when I find myself consumed by strange thoughts. It's during those times that I crave your presence, your comforting words, to anchor me and envelop me in a sense of warmth and safety, even though we may be miles apart. Your words have this incredible power to make me feel like I'm in your arms, protected and cherished. I want you to understand that even though we're not physically together, your words have a way of reaching into my heart and soothing my soul.

 Sometimes, life gets hectic, and our conversations may become less frequent, but please know that my love for you remains unwavering. No matter what happens, no matter where life takes us, I will always love you. In those moments of silence, when doubts or insecurities creep in, I find solace in the memories we've created together, in the bond that we share. Your presence in my life has brought me more joy and happiness than I ever thought possible. You've been my rock, my anchor, guiding me through the rough seas of life with your unwavering support and love. 

I know that sometimes I may seem distant or preoccupied, but please know that you are always on my mind, in my thoughts, and in my heart. Every word you speak, every message you send, is like a lifeline, pulling me back to shore and reminding me of the incredible love we share. And even though we may face challenges or obstacles along the way, I want you to know that I am committed to us, to our relationship, and to loving you with all that I am. No matter what trials we encounter, no matter what hardships we face, my love for you will remain steadfast and true. So, my dear, if there are days when we don't talk as much as we used to, please remember that it's not a reflection of my love for you.

 It's simply a reminder that life can sometimes get in the way, but through it all, you can count on me to be here, loving you always, no matter what happens. And just as I find comfort in your presence and your words, I want you to know that it's okay if you need space too. If there are moments when you feel overwhelmed or distant, remember that I'm here, holding space for you, ready to offer you the same love and support that you've always shown me. Our relationship is built on mutual understanding and respect, and that means respecting each other's need for space and time apart. But no matter how far apart we may be, know that my love for you remains constant and unwavering. So, take all the time you need, my dear. Whether it's a day, a week, or longer, just know that I'll be here, waiting for you with open arms and an open heart. Because our love is strong enough to withstand any distance or time apart, and I will always be here, loving you, no matter what. In response to what you said yesterday about us not being together in the future, I want to talk about it a bit more and let you know how I feel.

 The idea of us not being together down the road is pretty tough for me to wrap my head around. I mean, you've become such a big part of my life, you know? Your presence brings me so much happiness, and the thought of not having that in the future is hard to think about. Life can be unpredictable, and we both have our own dreams and plans to chase. It's possible that our paths might not line up perfectly, and that's something we've got to face. But even with that uncertainty, I want you to know that my love for you is as strong as ever. Every moment we've spent together, every laugh, every hug—it's all made a big impact on me. You've been there for me in good times and bad, and that means everything to me. So, when you talk about the future, I get it. It's a bit scary to think about. But here's what I believe: no matter what happens, our love is something special. It's strong enough to get us through whatever life throws our way. So, let's cherish the time we have together and see where life takes us. And no matter what the future holds, just know that you'll always have a special place in my heart. 

If we don't end up being together in the future, it's going to be tough, no doubt about it. I mean, imagining a life without you by my side is a pretty scary thought. You've become such a big part of my world, and the idea of not having you in it is hard to swallow. But hey, life is full of twists and turns, right? Sometimes things don't work out the way we hoped or planned, and that's just the reality of it. It doesn't mean that what we had wasn't special or meaningful—it just means that life had different plans for us. If we do end up going our separate ways, I want you to know that I'll always treasure the time we spent together. The memories we made, the laughs we shared, the love we felt—it's all going to be a part of me forever. And who knows? Maybe our paths will cross again someday, in ways we never expected. Or maybe we'll both find happiness and fulfillment in other ways, with other people. Whatever the future holds, I want you to know that I'll always be grateful for the love we shared and the impact you've had on my life. So, if we don't end up being together in the future, I'll be okay. It'll hurt, for sure, but I'll find a way to move forward. And I hope you do too. Because at the end of the day, all I want is for you to be happy, whether that's with me or without me. 

But let me tell you something—I can't imagine my life without you in it. The thought of being with someone else just doesn't feel right. You've become such an essential part of who I am, and the idea of not having you by my side is almost unbearable. So, believe me when I say that I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure we end up together. I refuse to let anything stand in the way of our love. Sure, we may annoy each other sometimes (let's be real, it's bound to happen), but that's all part of the deal, right? And through it all, my love for you will only grow stronger with each passing day. I'm not giving up on us, not now, not ever. I'm determined to find a way for us to be together, to annoy each other endlessly, and to love each other fiercely for the rest of our days. Because when you find someone as special as you, someone who makes your heart feel like it's found its home, you hold onto them with everything you've got. And that's exactly what I plan to do. 

Of course, I can't deny that you've made a mistake by choosing me. I come with my fair share of flaws. I'm not always the easiest person to love, and I have a tendency to be hard to forget. I love with all my heart, and sometimes that means I love too fiercely, too intensely. I'll admit, I can be a handful at times, and I'm sure I'll break you down every now and then. But here's the thing: I'll also make you feel alive in ways you never thought possible. I'll fill your life with passion, excitement, and love that knows no bounds. Yes, I may have my rough edges, but I promise you, underneath it all, there's a heart that beats for you and you alone. So, while I may not be the easiest choice, and while I may come with my fair share of challenges, I believe that together, we can overcome anything. Because at the end of the day, what we have is worth fighting for. And I'm willing to fight tooth and nail to make sure we end up together, despite the odds stacked against us. 

How could you even entertain the thought of me leaving you? Seriously, think about it. I haven't even laid a finger on you, haven't pressed my lips against yours, haven't left a single mark on your skin. So, why in the world would I walk away now? It just doesn't add up. The truth is, I'm here to stay. I'm not going anywhere, not now, not ever. You've become such a big part of my life, and the idea of not having you in it is just unfathomable. I mean, sure, we may drive each other crazy sometimes, but that's all part of the fun, right? And let's talk about love for a moment. Yeah, we're definitely going to make lots of it, in more ways than one. But beyond the physical stuff, I'm talking about the kind of love that runs deep, that stands the test of time. The kind of love that keeps us coming back to each other, no matter what life throws our way. So, rest assured, my dear. I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me, whether you like it or not. And honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. You're the one I want to annoy, to disturb, to love with all my heart. And together, we'll create a lifetime of memories that we'll cherish forever. 

About your safety, and it's something that I can't help but worry about when you're not with me. You see, when you don't let me know where you're going or when you'll be back, it leaves me feeling anxious and unsettled. It's not that I'm trying to control you or invade your privacy. It's just that I care about you deeply, and knowing that you're safe and sound is incredibly important to me. When you keep me in the loop about your plans, it helps ease my mind and allows me to focus on other things without constantly wondering where you are or if you're okay. I understand that you value your independence and that you may not always see the need to keep me updated on your whereabouts. But please understand that my concern comes from a place of love and genuine care for your well-being. In today's world, where anything can happen at any moment, it's more important than ever to look out for each other and to take precautions to ensure our safety. And part of that means communicating openly and honestly about our plans and whereabouts, especially when we're apart. So, please, don't see it as me trying to restrict your freedom or limit your autonomy. Instead, see it as me looking out for you, wanting nothing more than for you to return home safely each and every time you step out the door. I love you, and that's why I'm asking you to keep me in the loop about your plans. Not because I want to control you, but because I want to protect you and keep you safe. So, please, indulge me in this small request, and let's continue to look out for each other as we navigate this crazy world together.


  1. You are great. Keep writing 😊😊

  2. I love the way you write I think I can feel it in my heart ♥ and keep writing so that I can feel you even through far distance 😌😌 I know you aren't mine but wish you are happy 😊 and hope you will always be who you truly are. I love you ~ From ANONYMOUS


Beneath the Moonlit Veil ~ Part 1

The Elowen House stood like a fortress against the crashing waves of the ocean, isolated from the rest of the world. It was as though time i...