Thursday, September 26, 2024

From Being Taken for Granted to Embracing Self-Worth

 I’ve been told I’m their everything,  

Yet in their world, I’m but a shadow,  

Overshadowed by ego, pride, and fleeting whims—  

And that’s alright. I’ve learned to let go.  


I gave my best—tried my hardest,  

Offered all that was within me.  

But what happens in the end?  

Everything vanishes, like I was nothing.  


It’s funny, really—  

How people walk away with their prize,  

Leaving behind what we shared,  

As if it were all just a passing sigh.  


But great, right? They’ve won,  

And I’m left standing alone.  

It doesn’t hurt like it used to,  

I’ve grown, I’ve known.  


For while I may be no one to anyone,  

I am everything to myself.  

I’m good at being me—  

In that, I find my wealth.  


So take what you want, leave if you must,  

I’ve given my best, my all, my trust.  

And though it crumbled in your hands like dust,  

I stand here whole, I stand here just.  


Maybe I’m not your everything,  

Maybe I mean nothing at all.  

But to me, I am mine’s my one,  

And I rise, even when I fall.  


Let the world have its games,  

Let the people play their part.  

I’ve learned that being true to myself  

Is the greatest prize for my heart.  


So, go ahead, walk away,  

I’ve nothing left to prove.  

I’m good at being me—  

I’ve learned how to move.

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