Saturday, August 31, 2024

To Rara, With All My Heart: A Commitment Beyond Words

 Hey Rara,

Ira here, pouring my heart out to you in this space because I need you to see the depth of my love, the honesty of my intentions, and the truth of where my heart stands today. I know you’ve read my blog post, and I can imagine the mix of emotions it must have stirred in you. The truth is, that post wasn’t a reflection of my present feelings, but rather a moment where I got lost in my thoughts, tangled up in memories that no longer hold power over me. I want you to know, beyond any doubt, that my past is just that—a past that doesn’t define who I am now or the love I have for you.

There’s a part of me that feels silly, writing about someone who is no longer a part of my life in that way, but I’m here to tell you that none of it compares to what I feel for you. Maybe I wrote those things because it was easy to get lost in old feelings, but those feelings don’t mean I want that person back or that I’m holding on to something that’s gone. In reality, it’s you who makes my heart race, who fills my thoughts, and who gives me hope for a future that I never imagined I’d be so excited to build with someone. I’m not tied to my past, I’m not looking back; I’m only looking forward, and all I see is you.

Rara, I need you to understand that you are my choice. Every single day, no matter how complicated or difficult things might get, I choose you. I choose to love you with all your quirks, your beauty, your laughter, and even in moments where we might misunderstand each other. I choose you because you make me want to be better, to grow, to learn, and to love in ways I never thought I could. You are my now, my future, and everything in between. And yes, I can be clumsy, moody, and sometimes even hard to understand, but my love for you is solid, unwavering, and so incredibly real. I’ve made mistakes, and I’m sure I’ll make more, but loving you isn’t one of them. It’s the most certain, the most beautiful thing I’ve ever felt.

I want you to know that I’m not perfect. I get it wrong more times than I’d like to admit. I might not always say the right things, and there are days when I’m stuck in my own head, wrestling with thoughts and emotions that I’m still learning to navigate. But through all of that, my heart is yours. It’s you I want to talk to when I’m feeling lost, it’s you I want to hold when the world feels too heavy, and it’s you I want to share every bit of my journey with—every triumph, every failure, every boring and mundane moment in between.

Ira, the part of me that writes about things, sometimes gets carried away, gets caught up in trying to articulate things that don’t really matter anymore. Maybe it’s because writing has always been my outlet, a way to process emotions that I don’t even feel anymore, but end up expressing out of habit. But Rara, please know, none of those words are meant to hold a candle to the light that you bring into my life. You are the one who makes my days brighter, who makes me laugh when I want to cry, and who stands by me even when I’m a mess. And for that, I am more grateful than I can put into words.

You are not just someone I’m passing time with; you are the person I want to build a life with. I want to share dreams, create memories, and go through every up and down that life throws our way—together. I want to be the one you can count on, the one who supports you, the one who makes you feel loved every single day. I want us to look back years from now, proud of the journey we’ve walked together, proud of the love we’ve nurtured and grown. Because what we have is special, Rara, and I’m willing to fight for it, to nurture it, to protect it with everything I have.

I don’t care about my past relationship; I care about us, about the moments we share and the love we continue to build. You are my person, the one I want to wake up next to, the one I want to make laugh, the one I want to hold close when things feel tough. And I’m here, ready to give you the best of me, not just in words, but in actions, in time, and in love. I want you to feel cherished, valued, and most importantly, deeply loved, because you are.

I don’t just want to be someone you care about—I want to be the one you lean on, the one who lifts you up, and the one who makes you feel safe, loved, and understood. And I promise to do better, to show you every day that you are my priority, my choice, and my forever. Let’s make more memories, let’s laugh until our stomachs hurt, let’s have those deep conversations that last for hours, and let’s build something that lasts, something real, something that’s just ours.

You are my present, Rara, and my future, and every beat of my heart is for you. So here I am, asking you to forgive the confusion, to see the sincerity in my words, and to hold on to the love that we share. Because at the end of the day, it’s you who I want. You are my choice, my love, my forever. Let’s keep choosing each other, let’s keep fighting for this, and let’s make every moment count. I’m all in, Rara, and I hope you are too. Because with you, I’ve found something worth holding onto, and I’m not letting go.

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