Sunday, June 30, 2024

Moments in Bloom: Ira and Rara's Journey

It had been exactly ten days since Rara and Ira last scheduled to meet. Both of them had been eagerly anticipating this day, looking forward to spending some quality time together. The morning started off like any other, but it quickly took a dramatic turn.

At 7 AM, Ira was lying in bed, lazily waking up to the sound of birds chirping outside her window. She glanced through her window, which gave her a partial view of Rara's house. A thick curtain obscured most of the view, but Ira could sense that something was wrong. She heard raised voices and could make out the silhouettes of Rara, her father, and her big sister engaged in a heated argument.

Rara's sister was shouting, her father's voice booming with frustration, and Rara's muffled cries reached Ira's ears. Ira's heart sank. She wished she could be there for Rara, to comfort her and shield her from the turmoil. But it was early, and Ira wasn't ready to face the world yet. She hadn't even brushed her teeth, let alone prepared herself to go out.

She watched helplessly as Rara stormed out of the house, tears streaming down her face. Ira's instinct was to run to her, hug her tightly, and ask her what was wrong. But Rara was heading to school, and Ira wasn't in a position to join her just yet.

Later that morning, when Rara returned home, Ira noticed something odd. Rara's shoes and socks were missing. This only heightened Ira's concern. Had something happened on the way to school? Had Rara encountered more trouble? Ira's worry grew as she observed Rara's mother coming out to take up the cycle. When Rara reappeared with her shoes and socks back on, Ira felt a slight relief but still couldn't shake off her anxiety.

Unable to contain her worry any longer, Ira decided to text Rara. 

"Hey, what's up? What's going on?" Ira typed, hoping to get some clarity.

Rara's reply was dismissive. "Nothing," she wrote, brushing off Ira's concern.

"Oh come on, man. Just tell me what's going on. Something is going on. Tell me," Ira insisted, sensing that Rara was hiding something.

After a brief pause, Rara finally opened up. "It was just a conversation with my sister," she said, but Ira could tell there was more to it.

"Last day, what happened? Tell me properly," Ira urged.

Rara took a deep breath before replying, "Okay, my sister can't tolerate me. She was telling me to send me away. She said I'm boring and all."

Ira's heart ached for her girl. "Okay, let's meet if you don't have tuition today," Ira suggested, remembering that Rara usually had tuition on Wednesdays.

Rara replied, "No, I don't have any tuition today. Actually, I had, but it was canceled because there was a problem at the bridge railway station."

"Alright then, be ready. We'll meet in one hour," Ira texted back, relieved that they could see each other soon.

As Ira prepared to meet Rara, she couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. She was anxious to see her love and comfort her, but also determined to find out what exactly had happened that morning. Ira knew that their meeting would be crucial in helping Rara feel better, and she was ready to be the pillar that Rara needed.

After a tense morning of worry and concern, Ira finally felt ready to see Rara. She quickly texted, "Hey, I'm ready. Meeting you in 2 minutes."

Rushing to Rara's house, Ira chose not to go inside. Instead, she stood outside, engaging in small talk with Rara's mom. "Hi, Auntie. How are you?" Ira asked, trying to keep her tone light despite her inner turmoil.

"I'm good, dear. How are you?" Rara's mom replied, her voice tinged with the stress of the morning's events.

"I'm fine, thank you. Just here to pick up Rara," Ira said, glancing towards the house. "Rara, let's go."

Rara appeared at the door. "Okay, just give me a second," she mumbled before heading inside briefly and then joining Ira outside.

They walked in silence for a while holding hands, making their way to a place they both loved—a peaceful spot adorned with small, beautiful yellow flowers. The name of the flowers eluded Ira, but their beauty was unforgettable. This place, with its tranquility and natural charm, had always been a sanctuary for them.

As they settled on the soft grass, surrounded by the gentle sway of the flowers, Ira picked up a flower and tie it to Rara's hair but Rara was too shy to look at Ira. She untie the flower and kept it in her pocket. 

 "Now just tell me what's going on. What's actually happening?" Ira asked, her voice filled with concern.

Rara took a deep breath, her voice trembling as she began to speak. "My sister can't tolerate me. She was telling my father to send me away to a hostel because she can't stand me anymore."

"But why? What happened between you guys?" Ira asked, genuinely puzzled.

"I don't know. Maybe because everyone is praising me lately. Maybe she's jealous, or maybe it's something else. I just don't know," Rara said, her frustration and confusion evident.

Ira reached out, holding Rara's hand tightly. "Okay, no problem. Don't worry, I got you. No matter what happens in life, just remember, you are unique, okay? You are loved. If no one supports you, I am here for you. Just don't care about anyone else. I am here for you. You are worth it. You are a person who is lovable and deserves to be loved. It's okay to be different. Everyone is different in their own way. But that doesn't mean you need to be sad about it. Having a great diversity is good."

Rara looked at Ira, her eyes softening with gratitude. "Thank you, Ira."

After hours of talking and finding solace in each other's company, Ira turned serious. Looking into Rara's eyes, she asked, "Now just tell me... Do you really love me or not?"

Rara was taken aback by the sudden intensity in Ira's voice. Picking up a small yellow flower, Rara said softly, "Count it, yes and no. Whatever the last one is, that's your answer."

Ira watched nervously as Rara counted the petals, her heart racing with anticipation. The final count revealed "yes."

"Yes," Ira whispered, a mix of relief and joy flooding her heart. "Yes, I knew it. I knew it had to be yes. See? Your actions, your words, everything matches now. But you still deny?"

Rara blushed, her eyes shining with sincerity. "Okay, I accept," she said softly, reaching out to hold Ira's hand. They squeezed each other's hands, their unspoken feelings weaving a bond that felt unbreakable.

As they sat together, sharing songs and secrets, a group of boys passed by. Instinctively, Rara moved to stand protectively behind Ira, shielding her until the boys moved on. Ira felt a rush of gratitude and warmth, overwhelmed by the depth of Rara's care.

"Thank you," Ira murmured, touched by Rara's gesture.

Rara smiled shyly, but her eyes held a fierce determination. "Always," she whispered back.

They continued their conversation, delving into topics of love and life, sharing their deepest feelings. Ira poured her heart out, expressing just how much Rara meant to her and how grateful she was to have her by her side.

After a heartfelt conversation about their feelings and frustrations, Ira shared with Rara about her cousin's inappropriate behavior, expressing her anger and disbelief. Rara listened attentively, her heart going out to her friend.

Seeking a change of scenery, they found themselves in front of a house, walking together hand in hand. It was a quiet neighborhood, and the soft breeze carried the scent of flowers as they strolled along.

As they reached a bench, Ira turned to Rara, her voice gentle yet filled with a hint of nervousness. "Hey, girl, can I kiss you?"

Rara shook her head shyly, opting instead to hug Ira tightly, their hands still intertwined as they continued walking. They found another spot nearby with a stack of seats. Ira gestured for Rara to sit, but Rara insisted Ira take the seat instead.

After some walking around, Ira glanced around cautiously before asking softly, "Rara, can I kiss you? I didn't try to kiss you last time, as I was trying to figure out what was right or wrong. But can I kiss you now?"

Rara blushed deeply, her shyness apparent. Ira smiled warmly, suggesting, "Okay, how about a kiss on your hand?" But Rara declined softly, prompting Ira to gently stroke her cheek and ask, "Can I just kiss your cheek?"

Rara nodded slightly, her cheeks turning crimson as Ira leaned in to press a tender kiss against her soft skin. Rara tried to hide her blush, but Ira sensed the warmth of her affection. They left the bench hand in hand, their conversation filled with shared interests and laughter.

As they walked, Rara enthusiastically picking leaves cause she loves that but Ira was constantly scolding Rara as a child not to pick leaves cause they Don't know whether they are harmful or not.They shared a moment of laughter and connection, their bond deepening with every step they took.

They continued their walk, engaging in deep conversations about life, dreams, and their shared moments together. It was a journey filled with laughter, understanding, and a growing sense of closeness.

As they neared their destination, Ira turned to Rara with a playful yet heartfelt question, "Hey Rara, do you love me?" Rara, mimicking their earlier game, plucked another flower and teased, "Let's see if it says yes or no."

Ira playfully counted, "Yes, no, yes, no," laughing along with Rara and at last it came yes again. Ira couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness and warmth, as if the universe itself was affirming their bond.

As they walked home together, Rara absentmindedly picked up a plant with thorns, unaware of its prickly nature, which instantly drew Ira's concern. Ira, in a playful yet maternal tone, scolded gently, "Rara, be careful! That plant has thorns." Despite Ira's protective demeanor, Rara seemed to embrace the moment as if she were a child again, enjoying Ira's nurturing care.

"Show me your hand," Ira insisted, wanting to check if Rara was hurt. But Rara hesitated, pulling her hand away shyly. "No, no, it's fine," she murmured, brushing off Ira's worry with a smile.

For Rara, loving Ira had been a constant for almost more than two years, dating back to October 26, 2022. As they reminisced about their past and shared dreams for the future, Ira found herself overwhelmed with love for Rara. She realized how deeply she cared, wanting to protect and cherish her with every fiber of her being.

In that moment, as they walked hand in hand, Ira knew she wanted Rara in her life forever. She wanted to make every moment with her precious and meaningful, ensuring that their bond remained strong and enduring.

Their journey together was filled with moments of joy, understanding, and a deepening connection. As they navigated life's twists and turns, Ira and Rara found solace and happiness in each other's presence, knowing that their love was steadfast and true.

Whenever Ira look into Rara's eyes she tends to fall deep so deep that she can't able to came back to normal state of mind. To Ira Rara is the most precious thing that happened to her she wanna cherish every moment every second with her. Praying to God  for Rara's well-being and to keep them together happy and loved forever.

Let's see where universe take them both later. Hope they were all be together forever. Never gaving up on each other taking time to understand each other loving everyday sharing memories and growing older together.

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