Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 🌅 Morning Reflection 

 How do you feel? 
 I am feeling very grateful and I am looking forward to complete my goals in due time

 Why do you feel this way? 
 Cause it's my feeling only which motivated me each and every time one of the powerful thing which I had is my willingness 

 What will you do today? 
 I am gonna complete my tasks rot mot emi Photosynthesis Respiration 

 What are you looking forward to? 
 For being better me each time never to doubt self 🤝 Being Mindful of Others 

 How do I make others feel?
 Well I actually don't know cause I won't be able to understand what others is truly feeling for me now adays people are like day and night means having two faces so I don't know and I don't even care what others are thinking about me

 Have I done an act of kindness?
 Yes I did whenever I get the chance to do something good I used to do it

 What can I do better tomorrow? 
 Improving myself 🤔 


 How am I feeling right now? 
In a good mood

 What makes me hopeful? 
 My goals and my personality 😝 Yeah I am very hopeful person What makes me worried? Like nothing ever worries me 

 What can I accept that I cannot change?
 I have accepted everything 😌 so there is nothing to regret about 

 ✅ To-Do List 

 What tasks are ahead of me?
 Each day goals and this will to great success one day

 What are the priorities? 
 Better myself doing things on time no procrastination Like nothing ever worries me

 What can I accept that I cannot change? 
 I have accepted everything 😌 so there is nothing to regret about 

Whom to reach out?
  My inner self cause none can teach me what I can teach myself AND OF COURSE KRISHNA CAUSE HE IS MY EVERYTHING 😌😌

 What would make this day successful? 
 Of course without any procrastination completing the tasks given to me by me

 🙏 Gratitude Entry List

 three things that you are grateful for:Each and everything I have In my life whatever the moments I have That I am here and writing all this things I am alive 😂 🤗

 Instant Cheer-Up What are you grateful for? That I am me not willing to be someone else

 What did you enjoy today? Write now I have just started the day so I can't tell it

 What are you planning for the future? Lots of planning in my head and willing to apply everything in future

 What do people like about you? How would I know there are lots of fake people I don't even care what they really think about me their point of views are not gonna make any changes in my perception 😌 Letting Go of Worries

 What worries you? I don't worry alot yeah but sometimes during case of love I do  cause that's  where only I am NOT representing rather there is another one who should understand what they should do

 How would an outsider see it? Maybe normal thing 

 What can be the positive outcome? I don't think there would be any positive outcome 

 💡 Idea What is your idea? How does it work? What are the next steps? 😴 Brain Dump What do you need to do tomorrow? Alots of things What do you need to do this week? What does worry you? Yeah I forgot that sometimes procrastination do worry me 😅 What are you looking forward to? #self reflection

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